Monday, June 20, 2016

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was awesome.  We were incredibly busy, but had so much fun.

Friday started out with a haircut for W.  Nothing noteworthy here – he was really good and enjoyed his lollipop and cookie while getting his hair cut.  After that, I had an eye doctor appointment.  I kept telling W that it would take a really long time, I thought he’d be bored, he’d have more fun at home, etc.  He insisted on coming with me because he wanted to help me pick out new glasses (maybe he was feeling guilty about breaking my current pair).  So sweet.  So off we went and it took foreverrrr…. Like 2 hours.  I guess they somehow skipped me.  But W did great.  He told the optometrist that he was “free years old” and told him the temperature outside was 29. J  He even helped me pick out purple glasses – his favorite color!  Afterwards, I treated him to Starbucks – we both needed a little pick me up.

Then, it was off to the carnival in A’s hometown.  The boys had a BLAST.  W was really into the kids rides.  S got to partake in the slide and a ride that lifted him into the air (only because A rode with him).  I’m sure he would have liked all of the rides, but I didn’t trust him not to stand up mid ride and try to climb out.  We saw Nani, Papa, Uncle Matt, and Katie who were all working in the beer tent. J  We had so much fun that we actually lost track of time and didn’t leave until 8:30 – way past bed time.  Luckily, the boys fell asleep in the car and we transferred them into bed while still in their clothes.

Saturday, W had his first swim lesson with A.  He loves to play in the water and I hear it went well for the most part.  S and I ran errands while W swam.  After S’s nap, we all headed to a local water park.  W was totally in his element – splashing in the water, running through fountains, climbing bridges, and going down the little slides.  He had so much fun.  S loved it at first… and then he got water in his face.  I’m not sure if the chlorine bothers him or if he got sunscreen in his eyes (maybe both), but the same thing happened in Florida.  He was miserable towards the end – rubbing his eyes nonstop and crying.  Poor guy.  We picked up Mexican food for dinner – yum!

Sunday was church and Starbucks per usual.  At church, I happened to look over and saw S crawling on the bench near an elderly man.  The man was standing and S was in his seat.  A moved S over a bit and when I glanced over again, I saw S and the old man sitting next to each other holding hands.  OMG.  I want to remember that moment forever.  It was one of the sweetest sights I’ve ever seen.  After a week filled with tragic news, my heart needed that moment.  Later, the man told A, “When he gets older, you tell him that he made my day.”  I’m tearing up thinking about it.

The rest of the day was spent playing at our house.  W enjoyed the kiddie pool and sprinkler.  We gave A a new Cubs lunch box, t shirt, and gift card for Father’s Day.  He also got a onesie from S that says “Daddy’s Favorite” on it. J  A wanted steaks and grilled those for dinner along with corn on the cob.  It was a perfect weekend and A said it was his favorite Father’s Day to date.  Mission accomplished.

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