Friday, October 27, 2017

Friday Thoughts

Well, it went from 70 degrees to 40 degrees.  Typical Chicago.  But I do love an excuse to wear cozy fall sweaters and scarves.  When I picked up the boys from school yesterday, one of W’s teachers approached me and said, “I always have to check out what you’re wearing.  I really love your style.”  How sweet is that?!?  These [terrible] photos basically sum up my fall wardrobe… sweaters, scarves, cardigans, plaid, vests, army green, booties, and good to go.

The boys aren’t really into movies (unless you count garbage truck videos, which I don’t).  However, they love Charlie Brown.  I loved that they were into something different and nostalgic and clever, until S started quoting Lucy.  Now I occasionally hear, “I’ll pound you”, “I’ll slug you!”.  Some days he makes up for it by saying, “thank you, pal!”  I envision explaining to his preschool teachers why he occasionally threatens to pound people (note: I’m pretty sure he has no clue what he’s saying).

Trick or treating in our neighborhood is this Sunday and I’m just hoping for no rain.  W is going to be a garbage recycle man (shocking to no one) and S is going to be a firefighter.  I’m looking forward to walking around the neighborhood, eating all W’s candy (he’s not a fan, so really, I’m just doing him a favor), and making a pot of chili.

When I was purchasing my car, we had the option of getting a dvd player in the car.  I said no way.  I didn’t want my kids thinking they could watch a movie every time I started the car.  BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER.  I really really wish we had that DVD player for long drives.  Learn from my mistakes, friends!  Get the DVD player.  On a side note: Nani gave us her portable DVD player to use when we drove to Michigan and the boys loved it.  A and I also got a break from W’s 93,740,503 questions.  Think I will add one to my Christmas list.

A and I are celebrating our 10th anniversary today!!  Time sure flies.  I’ve enjoyed looking back at our wedding photos.  We had such a beautiful day and a beautiful wedding.  There’s no one I’d rather have spent the past 10 years with.