Saturday, December 23, 2017


Merry Christmas to all (who celebrate)!

I've been off work since Wednesday and it's been wonderful.  Slow mornings, errands, and lots of gift wrapping have filled our days.

I got to spend W's birthday with him.  It was a crazy busy day, but I so enjoyed it.  After dropping W off at school, S and I headed to the mall to pick up my ring, which had to be repaired.  From there, we met up with my mom and my aunt for coffee.  My aunt and uncle recently visited Italy and I loved hearing about their trip.  Italy is definitely on my bucket list of places to visit.  After that, we picked W up from school and he chose Olive Garden for lunch.  From there, we picked up A and headed to the local Children's Museum.  The boys had an absolute blast!  When I tucked W in for the night, he told me "this was the funnest day!"  Mission accomplished. :)  His birthday is always bittersweet for me, but I'm so happy we all had a great day!

Other than that, I've been living off of Christmas cookies.  I should be ashamed of the amount I've eaten, but tis the season and they're so yummy.  On a related note, I've decided that 2018 will be about getting myself back.  I want to feel good about myself.  I'd like to start exercising and I need a job change.  That may mean finding a new job or finding a way to change my current responsibilities, but somehow I need a change.  I did apply for another position within the company.  I don't think I have any chance of getting the job, but it felt so good to apply.  It gave me hope and served as a reminder that I won't be in my current situation forever.

So that's life lately.  I'm really looking forward to Christmas and I think the boys are going to be so excited with their gifts.  I always tell myself I won't go overboard and somehow I always do.  My credit card is not happy with me (another 2018 goal...).

Happy holidays!!


  1. You go girl!

    Sounds like you've shifted successfully into holiday gear. And maybe flying on a sugar cookie high :)

    How did I forget to say in my last comment that your two boys are absolutely adorable?

    They are absolutely adorable!

    My W wanted a new guitar for xmas/birthday PLUS some new instruction. VERY pricey but money I'm happy to spend. His music teacher is actually here now and I'm listening to them playing in the living room - so wonderful. $700 plus for the instrument and $70 a lesson later, I'm STILL all antsy 'cause he doesn't have anything to unwrap tomorrow am. Xmas is wonderful and nervous-making too.

    My two big guys need/want $$$. That's what we're giving but again, the nothing-to-unwrap jitters...

    Oy vey. I'm half Jewish, and my kids are 3/4 Jewish - Why is this my problem??!

    I grew up celebrating xmas and my favorite part of the holiday, any holiday really, is the food.

    My mom, sister & I are combining our talents to insure that there will be wonderful treats to eat all day long.

    And all six cousins home from school together again.

    A very merry xmas to you and your wonderful family <3

    1. Thank you for the sweet comments about the boys. :) And I totally understand the 'nothing-to-unwrap jitters', BUT I love that the focus is less on presents and more on family and food!! We'll get there eventually. :) Hope you had a wonderful holiday!
