Thursday, February 19, 2015

Life Lately

Baby S is two weeks old today.  I'm not sure how that happened.  Time is flying by and it scares me.  S continues to be a very sweet, content baby and I'm so grateful for that.  I'm also thankful that nursing continues to go well this time around.  Not sure if I've already mentioned this, but at one week, S weighed more than W did at 1 month.  Holy moly!

On a related note, A's last day of paternity leave is today.  He heads back to work tomorrow.  To say I'm dreading it is an understatement.  In toddler fashion, I may be grabbing on to A's legs and pleading for him to stay as he walks out the door.  In all seriousness, my mom and A's mom have offered to help, which is such a relief and so very appreciated.  But W continues to struggle with sharing mommy and I'm extremely nervous about these upcoming weeks.  We've had more time outs in the past 2 weeks than in the last 2 years.  I've cried more than I ever expected.  The transition deserves a post of it's own and I'll write it some day, but suffices to say, it's been hard on W and on me.

Speaking of W, his vocabulary has exploded in the past couple weeks.  I'm not sure if it had anything to do with the arrival of baby brother, but he's saying tons of words and stringing 2, 3, and 4 words together.  I can't believe how much he's grown/learned in such a short time.  I mentioned before he knew all the main colors - he's also added black, white, pink, and brown to his color identification.  He continues to identify several letters and yesterday told me apple started with A... amazing.  He also sings, which is adorable and remembers characters from books.  He pointed to his toy duck recently and called him Ernie - the name of the duck in one of his favorite books. :)

Last week, W told me he loved me.  At that moment, all previous behavior issues were forgotten. :)  A recently asked him if he wanted to eat his puree in the tv room or the kitchen.  His response: mouth.  Lol. :)  I love him so much and it makes me sad that he's having such a tough time.

On a completely random, unrelated note (because that's how my brain works), Cadburry Mini Eggs are back and I'm super excited.  My favorite candy! :)

And finally, this...  Could they be any cuter?  No.

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