Monday, February 2, 2015

Weekend Recap

What a weekend!  Where to begin?

First, no baby yet.  Several people predicted baby would make his appearance this weekend, but no, not yet.  And that’s a good thing because we had a major snowstorm – or should I say a blizzard!  But let’s start with Saturday…

A took W to school Saturday morning.  Nothing new to report.  W was great.  After that, it was off to Noodles and Co.  I actually won a free tasting for up to 8 people!  I never win anything!  The catch was that the tasting had to be done between 1/28 and 2/3.  So I asked if we could come in on Saturday for the tasting and it was arranged.  My mom, Nani, and Papa joined us.  It was so so much fun!!  We had 3 different appetizers, 3 salads, 4 entrees, and dessert.  It took forever (2 hours!) and W was such a good boy.  Unfortunately, he didn’t try anything.  I’ve mentioned before that he does not like pasta – more like despises it.  But he was a trooper to sit with us for so long.  It was a great experience and I definitely need to send the restaurant a thank you for a great time… and all that free food!

The rest of the day was good.  W napped and we went grocery shopping.  W was such a good helper at the grocery store.  He pointed out and named products, he handed me groceries to place on the conveyor, he brought in grocery bags, and helped me put items away.  He loves to help and he’s awesome at it. :)

Saturday night, the snowstorm hit.  We debated going to church Sunday morning, but the snow was really coming down so we decided to stay in and be safe.  I was disappointed, but knew it was the right call.  I really wanted to get to church before baby’s arrival, though.  We were also supposed to attend my nephew’s baptism, but by that time, there were blizzard warnings and local police were advising everyone to stay off the roads.  I’m sad we missed it, but again, I know choosing to be safe and stay in was the right decision.

On the bright side, being forced to stay in resulted in a productive day.  A did laundry, I made dinner and cleaned, there was lots of play time with W, we hung up baby’s name in the nursery (so the nursery is completely finished!!), and got out the 4Moms Breeze (baby will sleep in the bassinet part for the first few weeks).  The Superbowl was on, but I barely watched any of it… turns out toddlers aren’t interested in the Superbowl and that was ok with me. :)

It finally stopped snowing last night – after 19 inches of snow had fallen!!  A has a snow day and I’m working from home – feeling a little guilty because all of my colleagues made it into the office, BUT they’re not having a baby in a matter of days.

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