Friday, May 10, 2019

Weekend Recap (A Little Late)

I am really slacking on the weekend recap.  I had two all day work meetings this week and it just threw things off.  I’ve been playing catch up ever since.

Last Friday evening, A and I were relaxing.  The kids had finally gone to bed, A was reading, and I was scrolling mindlessly though my phone.  We suddenly heard this massive boom.  I jumped and so did A.  He asked if it was thunder and I responded that I hoped it was.  What else could it be?  I even looked at the weather radar on my phone.  We had rain, but there was no evidence of a storm.  A short time later we started hearing sirens.  Soon, A started getting text messages that a nearby building had exploded.  4 people were killed and 3 were taken to the hospital, but after seeing the shell of the building that once stood, it’s shocking that more people weren’t hurt.  Even more ironic, my dad worked in that exact building.  It was a different company back then, but I was even in it as a little girl.  We drive passed it at least three times per week.  A scary start to the weekend.

Saturday started with the boys acting crazy.  I can’t think of a better way to describe their behavior.  I think I’ve mentioned that our weather has been miserable and the boys have had too much energy.  They haven’t been getting the fresh air they need and it’s evident.  Long story short, A and I have been taking away some “privileges” and they’ve finally begun to realize that their actions have serious consequences.  To be clear, we’d taken away screen time and toys previously, but we started taking away higher value type items and that made an impact.  Saturday morning was tough, but we were finally able to get outside and by afternoon, the boys were back to their usual pretty good behavior.

I can’t remember if it was Saturday or Sunday now, but we ended up at a park with tennis courts and A and I had so much fun hitting the ball back and forth – though I am super rusty!  We spent much of the weekend outside and it was exactly what the boys needed.

A had CF clinic on Tuesday.  We knew there was a chance that his lung function may be a bit down since he’s been battling a cold.  It was in fact a little down, but nothing significant.  A has been doing two vest cycles per day since receiving his Afflovest and he started Cayston recently so hoping his lung function bounces back up quickly.  I’ll have to get him out on the tennis court more often. J

Speaking of tennis, W started tennis lessons yesterday and I’m loving it.  Watching him hit the ball brings back such fond memories of high school tennis.  I promise I won’t be one of those moms who forces their kids to pursue their own interests.  W has been asking to play and I’m enjoying that he’s enjoying it.

Happy Friday!

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