Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Weekend Recap

I’m falling behind on my exciting weekend recap posts.  Ha.  They aren’t exciting at all, but I love re-reading what we we’ve been up to as the boys have grown.

The week A and I returned from vacation was a rough one.  We returned Monday night and the following Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning, S woke up around midnight vomiting.  I thought he was just getting W’s cold.  He has a tendency to puke any time he has a cold/cough (which is going to make for a really interesting year of Kindergarten, but that’s a worry for another day).  He stayed home from preschool Wednesday, vomited that morning, but then was ok.  By Thursday, he seemed to be totally fine and went to school.  Thursday around midnight, I woke up vomiting.  Friday, I felt awful.  I couldn’t eat anything and couldn’t get out of bed.  Also on Friday, S came down with W’s cold, which resulted in more puking for him (but this time it was definitely the cough causing it).  By Saturday, I was mostly fine.  No appetite, but otherwise, I felt ok.  W continued to get over his cold and finally, by the following week, we were all feeling much better.  Phew.  SO the point of all that was to say that last weekend was kind of a bust and I don’t really have much to recap.

This past Thursday, A turned 40.  I can’t believe it!!  When did we get so old?!?  In all seriousness, I’m incredibly proud of him for taking such good care of himself.  Hoping for continued health!!

Saturday, the boys were super crabby.  They slept in their bunk beds and I’m guessing they didn’t sleep well.  They had gymnastics in the morning.  A and I laughed as usual as the boys attempted to somersault, cartwheel, etc.  We took Charlie for a walk when we got home.  W got mad that he didn’t win some imaginary race and turned around and rode home on his scooter (with A following him) halfway through the walk.  Eye roll.  Then it was off to celebrate A at A’s favorite pizza restaurant.  The whole family came and we enjoyed apps and yummy pizza.

Sunday, another busy day.  Church, Starbucks, Family Fun Fair at W’s school, took Charlie for a long by myself (which was very peaceful), stopped at the grocery store, and made dinner.  Thankfully, the boys were in a much better mood.  They were super helpful at the grocery store and even took it upon themselves to bag groceries when they realized there wasn’t someone around.  I thanked them and told them they were such great helpers.  Upon hearing that, S exclaimed, “Well, that calls for a double high five!!”.  He still cracks me up.  We had a great day.

It's been feeling more like spring around here and I'm excited for time spent outdoors!

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