Friday, February 16, 2018

Friday Thoughts

I can’t even talk about the school shooting without getting incredibly angry and upset.  It brings me to tears.  For now, I’m just going to say that I joined Moms Demand Action and will be looking for other ways to be more involved in pushing for gun control.  If you’re aware of other groups or have ideas, I’m all ears.

I’ve previously mentioned that W has struggled with writing/drawing.  We’ve worked on it quite a bit and provided lots of encouragement.  I’ve been trying to focus on his efforts vs. final product.  W had to bring valentines to his classes earlier in the week.  He’s technically in two different classes and had to bring a total of 37 valentines.  Once he had a job to do, he took it seriously and actually asked to work on his valentines.  All he had to do was write his name, but each time he wrote it, it got better and better.  And then he asked to start writing words and actually wrote ‘grandma’ once I showed him how to make the letters.  Fast forward to yesterday.  I picked him up from school and he showed me the “book” that he made.  He drew our family and then showed me that S had a frown.  He explained that S was sad because he wanted Lucky Charms cereal, but mom and dad said no. (LOL)  I opened up the book and there was S’s name written.  I asked W if his teachers helped him spell it or if they showed him how to make the letters.  “No, I just remembered.” he said.  So so proud.

Speaking of W, we signed him up for a few summer camp classes.  I thought he was ready to try something new and this will give A a little time to himself this summer.  Only a couple hours each day, but still… enough time for A to squeeze in his vest and maybe some treadmill time.  Each class is one week long and I’m hoping that W will find new interests/activities he really enjoys.

A had his CF clinic appointment on Tuesday.  We haven’t seen the numbers yet, but were told his lung function was up a little.  Always good news.  He’s been walking/running on the treadmill for 2 miles – he’s totally kicking my butt.  Proud of him!  I think exercising will really help his lung function.

I’m obsessed with the Olympics.  Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten to watch as much as I’d like, but I’m enjoying the little bit I do see.

I wore this outfit on Superbowl Sunday and felt so comfy, but also stylish.  I’ll definitely be wearing it a lot more.

Every morning when S wakes up, he usually wants to come to our room where he insists on lying in bed, drinking milk, and watching cartoons.  This kid has his priorities straight.  Some days he’ll demand “Cuddle with me!”.  He’ll typically only lay there for about 15 minutes, but what a way to start the day!

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