Monday, June 3, 2019

Weekend Recap

Lots of fun was had this weekend!  A and I both took Friday off from work so we could attend school functions.  I went on a field trip to the zoo with W’s class.  My mom even volunteered to join us and I was so thankful for her help.  Kindergartners are not the easiest to keep track of.  We’d go into one of the buildings and there was often a darker area for nocturnal animals.  The three kids in our group would head in different directions in the dark!  I was so nervous about losing one of them.  My sweet rule following W was usually close by, but the other two wanted to explore.  Luckily, we didn't lose anyone.  All in all, we had tons of fun hanging out with the kids and we couldn’t have asked for better weather.  Finally, a beautiful day!  In other news, I'm truly in awe of how fast this school year has gone.  W's first day of kindergarten seems like it was yesterday and now I practically have a first grader.  I absolutely love W's teacher and will miss her so much next year.

A attended an ice cream party at S’s school in celebration of his last day.  Nani and Papa came too!  This boy loves preschool and I know he’ll miss it over the summer.  He’s already looked through his school portfolio and class book several times.  I really love this little school and the picture of S hugging his teacher makes my heart so happy.

The rest of the weekend was spent outside whenever possible.  It did rain Saturday afternoon (again), but the boys made it to the park both Saturday and Sunday.  I’m giving A major kudos because he’s willing to help the boys do all the climbing, swinging, etc.  I have to admit, I get tired of being “on duty” and worry they’re going to fall off one of those high structures - it makes the park not so appealing to me.

We've got some big things planned for the summer... stay tuned!

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