Monday, June 24, 2019

Weekend Recap

Life has been a tad depressing since we returned from vacation.  I think that’s always the case, but everyone has been sick so it’s been especially depressing around here.  W started the sick train with a fever – which he hasn’t had in years, chills, exhaustion, cough, no appetite.  It was a doozy.  Then A got it.  And then S got it.  I called my mom Thursday and found out she had it as well.  Blaming the airplane since we were all fine at Disney.  I’ve had a cough, but have been spared from the other symptoms… for now.  I’m convinced it’s still going to hit me.  My mom said it’s one of the worst viruses she’s ever had.  So everyone has been sleeping a lot and stuck inside.  A has called his CF doctor and will begin an antibiotic today. I’m especially worried about him since the fatigue, coughing, and not eating have the biggest impact on him.  Hoping and praying everyone is back to normal soon.

The boys missed swimming on Saturday.  I did spend a lot of time cleaning so at least that made me feel productive (though the house is a mess again as I type).  We were hoping to celebrate a belated Father’s Day and decided to give it a try on Sunday.  For the most part, everyone was feeling better.  Not 100%, but much better.  S seemed completely fine for the majority of Saturday, but started coughing again on Sunday.  We headed to A’s favorite pizza restaurant Saturday afternoon, only to turn around and come home because the boys were awful in the car.  Not sure if they were hungry, stir crazy, still feeling the effects of the plague, but they were bad.  That should’ve been a sign.  We decided to try again nearly 3 hours later and made it to the restaurant without issue.  S suddenly started a coughing fit again.  We had pizza and thought all was ok.  As we were leaving, a couple waitresses carrying pizzas were coming our way.  We stepped aside to let them pass and S puked.  Had we not run into the waitresses, he would’ve made it out of the restaurant without incident.  Any time S is even slightly congested or coughing, he pukes and I’m so so darn tired of this phase.  So embarrassing.

On a funnier note, S told me the other night that he didn’t like babies.  It seemingly came out of nowhere and I was confused.  I think I just responded with an “ok…??”.  So after he puked at the restaurant, he started crying and blamed his puke incident on a baby sitting in a nearby high chair, again telling us he didn’t like babies.  Bahahaha.  No idea where the animosity towards babies is coming from or why they make him want to vomit.  (Side note: parents and baby did not hear him blame the poor innocent baby for his puke fest).

Anyway, I felt terrible for A.  We were supposed to be celebrating him and the boys were awful on our first attempt and S puked on our second attempt.  Here’s hoping for a better week ahead.  My final week in my current job!!

This photo really has nothing to do with anything, but it's the only photo I have from the past week (taken on Saturday when we thought S was better).

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