Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Weekend Recap

I’m really late on my weekend recap.  We had such a busy weekend, I almost feel like we didn’t have one!  On the bright side, it was full of fun events.  Here we go…

We’ve been heading to my mom’s house on Friday evenings for a long time, but lately, everyone is just tired.  Friday was no exception.  We stayed home and ordered pizza and tried to get everyone to bed on time.

Saturday morning, bright and early (8:30am), we headed to a local forest preserve where W’s school was holding a “fun run” fundraiser.  It was the first time the event took place and we had a great time.  When we checked in, we were given little backpacks which held our race number (really humorous as we were exceptionally slow), t-shirt, water bottle, and sticker.  The only problem was W’s was missing.  I should’ve mentioned that he was in a particularly bad mood because I’d let S wear his shoes.  They can both wear the same size, which is both a curse and a blessing.  So W had been in tears during the drive to the forest preserve and when his bag was missing, he definitely looked extremely sad.  One of the volunteers told him not to worry, that she’d hook him up with extra goodies.  Meanwhile, I discovered his shirt and race number in S’s bag, which made no sense since S’s name was on the bag.  The volunteer showed up with W’s special bag and it had a little stuffed owl in it.  Of course now S was upset because he did not get an owl.  I CAN’T WIN.  Aside from the pre-race woes, once the actual race started, everyone was fine and happy and we had a great time.  Except.  We were slow.  Like really, really slow.  The boys kept stopping because they had gravel in their shoe or we’d begin an impromptu game of tag or we’d stop and take a picture.  We soon realized that we were the very last family in the race and everyone was waiting on us to finish.  When we crossed the finish line, everyone else started cheering.  So embarrassing.  I’m pretty sure A thinks this is hysterical and claims we are record holders for the slowest race time.

From there, we stopped for coffee and then I went to get a much needed haircut.

Once I arrived home, A finished making mac and cheese and we headed to S’s preschool picnic.  It was really cute watching the boys play together at the preschool – W hadn’t been there in a year and I think S was excited to show W his school playground.  We had a yummy dinner and A and I stayed to help with clean up.  At this point, I was really tired and ready for some peace and quiet.

Sunday was our usual morning routine.  After Starbucks, we headed to the grocery store.  While we were checking out, the lady who was bagging our groceries looked around and spotted S.  She said something like, “There he is!  I knew there were two of them.”  To which S responded. “See… everyone likes me!”  Hahaha!  After that, we took Charlie for a walk and then headed to my mom’s house to celebrate her birthday.  We enjoyed Chinese food and cake and the boys had fun playing with Legos.  When we arrived home some time around 6?, I just wanted my pjs and a comfy couch.

I also need to share a proud mom moment that happened last week.  Last Tuesday, W arrived home with a note card from his teacher.  It basically said that W had worked really hard and been a great listener all day and his teacher was very proud of him.  I wasn’t sure if the notecards were typical, but it was really sweet.  The following Thursday, A volunteered to attend the Open House at W’s school while I stayed home with the boys.  W’s teacher mentioned that she really appreciated W’s sweet demeanor and on the day she’d sent the note home, he had raised his hand and proceeded to ask if they were supposed to quiet and ready to listen (because the rest of his classmates were a bit loud and things were chaotic at that moment).  Haha.  Then, at the race, another mom asked if one of the boys was in Mrs. C’s class.  I said yes, W is.  She responded, “Oh, W!  I’ve heard about you!  N told me that Mrs. C was wearing your name clip because you were so great in class.  Now N wants to be good so that Mrs. C will wear her name clip too!”  It was the first time I’d heard about this little incident and I’m so proud of my little man.  It’s incredibly important to A and I that we instill a sense of kindness, acceptance, and generosity in our boys.  We don’t always see these values displayed, but it definitely makes me feel good when we do!

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