Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Weekend Recap

Last week was really productive, but also exhausting.  I had 3 nearly full days of meetings as it was my new department’s annual all team meeting.  With that, I also had 2 work dinners.  For an introvert like myself, having to actively engage with people all day and into the evening was exhausting – haha.  It was announced that I will be taking on a new dual role and will have several added responsibilities.  I’m really excited.  It will be a huge learning experience and will set me up well for future opportunities.  I was told that my group saw me as a valuable contributor and they wanted to continue to challenge me.  They appreciated what I brought to the group and saw so much potential in me.  I would appreciate those words any time, but they are so much more fulfilling after experiencing a challenging work environment for the past couple years.  I’m so thankful to be on a really great team, doing meaningful work that I enjoy!

Anyway, all that to say that by the time Friday rolled around, I was mentally and physically spent.

The boys had tennis on Friday and A and I spent most of the class laughing.  I love watching the boys play – W seems to be a natural.  And I love listening to S mispronounce words.  S is the youngest and he definitely holds his own.  For the most part all the parents are really supportive and cheer on all the kids, which is awesome to witness.   I may need to find another session when this ends because I enjoy it so much (and the boys seem to like it too 😉).  Afterwards, we went to a local pizza restaurant and waited nearly an hour for our pizza… boo.

Most of the weekend was rainy and we were stuck inside, which is never good for the boys.  It started on a high note with A taking W, S, AND Charlie to Starbucks.  Bless that man.  I enjoyed a good 30 minutes of peace AND I got coffee. #winning  A and I attempted to clean out some of the crawl space, but I had to stop every 5 minutes to help one of the boys, or break up an argument, or tell Charlie to stop eating all the freaking crayons!  UGH  Some days (most days) it seems like EVERYTHING takes longer than it should.  At some point, the boys won’t need attention every few seconds and the dog will stop chasing the cats and eating all the things, right???  We did manage to drop 2 loads of stuff off for the church rummage sale, A built the cat mansion (it was supposed to be a “cat tree”, but I kind of messed up and ordered the world’s largest cat perch aka the cat mansion and now we have to figure out where to store this monstrosity).

On Sunday, A had to escort S to the lobby during church because he would not be quiet.  We went grocery shopping and W complained the majority of the time because he didn’t want to be at the grocery store.  The boys and I did science experiments in the afternoon, which was lots of fun.  W read to S, which was one of the sweetest things I’ve seen.  Annnd the past two nights, the boys have basically lost their minds and proceeded to jump off beds, write on the wall with crayon, throw things down the stairs, kick the walls.  A and I sent them to bed soon after 7 last night because they were acting a fool.  I’m not sure what’s going on with them.  Maybe the rainy weekend really took a toll?  So here’s hoping tonight is better because I cannot handle the chaos.

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