Thursday, April 11, 2019

A First!

I feel like we’ve gotten to the point where my boys don’t have a lot of “firsts” and it’s a little bittersweet that they’re growing up so fast.

About a week or so ago, A noticed that W had a permanent tooth coming in behind a baby tooth.  After a little Googling, it seemed that this was fairly common, but if the baby tooth didn’t come out soon, it may have to be pulled to make room for the permanent tooth.  On Monday, we realized that W’s baby tooth had gone from not at all wiggly to a little wiggly.  When he arrived home from school yesterday, it wiggled a bit more.  W is obsessed with time… he always wants to know how much time something will take or when it will happen.  Naturally, he asked when his tooth would come out.  I guessed it would happen this weekend.  Lo and behold, after dinner, W yelled, “Mommy!  Mommy!...”  “What?”  “My tooth came out!”  A and I were both shocked that it happened so quickly and he was so excited.

The tooth fairy visited last night and now S is anxiously awaiting his turn to lose a tooth.

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