Monday, April 8, 2019

Weekend Recap

We have FINALLY had a few nice weather days.  They don’t last long (I hear there is a chance we’ll see snow on Wednesday), but when they do briefly make an appearance, they are glorious!!  Saturday was one of those days.  After swim class, we grabbed drinks at Starbucks and headed to the park.  The boys played at the playground and rode scooters.  It was so great for all of us to get some fresh air.  We went out for lunch and then took a walk around the neighborhood and played outside a bit more.  I can’t wait for this weather to stick around!

Sadly, Sunday was rainy.  We went to church in the morning.  The boys frequently attend ‘Children’s Mass’, which basically consists of a bible story and coloring.  It only lasts about 20 minutes and they seem to enjoy going.  The reason I mention this is because for the last 3ish weeks, S has been waving to us as he heads into and/or returns from Children’s Mass.  He looks like he’s in a parade and waving to his adoring fans and I crack up every single time.  I never want to forget his sweet little wave – that boy may be made for the spotlight.  W attended a classmate’s birthday party that afternoon.  While I love that he is invited and attends, I wish I had a mom friend to hang out with during these things.  All the moms seem to know each other and I'm feeling like an outsider. :\ 

I also wanted to highlight a couple other things that didn’t make it into previous posts.  I’m sure I’ve mentioned that I’ve had the opportunity to serve on the Executive Board at S’s preschool.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into and the time commitment has been much much more than I realized, but it’s been an incredibly rewarding experience.  This year we decided to plan and hold the school’s very first silent auction.  It was mostly organized by my amazing friend, Lauren, but I contributed by securing several prizes, helping with set up, and working at the registration table.  I think the event was incredible, mainly due to Lauren’s planning.  But I’m so proud of all the volunteers and what we achieved with this very first auction.

I also mentioned previously that I was trying to act like a grown up and met with a financial planner.  I was mainly concerned about how much I was contributing to my 401K and saving for college.  I was fairly certain that both accounts were lacking and that the financial planner was going to yell at me for my clothing expenses.  Ha.  I was shocked and so relieved to find out I’m doing exactly what I should be doing (minus the shopping expenses).  I don’t need to change anything in regards to what I’m saving for retirement and he gave me excellent advice on saving for college.  I’m so happy I met with him!!  Yay for adulting!!  Actually, no, adulting still kind of stinks...

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