Thursday, October 10, 2019

Weekend Recap

I’m late with my weekend recap again.  I have no idea where the time goes – I only know that I have a never ending to do list and nowhere near enough hours in a day. Let’s see what I can remember…

Friday.  S totally wiped out at tennis practice and in ultimate momfail mode, I didn’t even see it.  I heard a crash and looked up, but missed how it happened.  Oops.  And I hate to admit it, but I was looking at my phone.  The boys occasionally ask to use my phone because they want to take a photo or make a video.  But somehow, they’ve also friend requested people on FB.  So I was trying to figure out who the heck accepted the friend request that I didn’t make.  Anyway, he didn’t cry and he was fine, but I felt extremely guilty. šŸ˜

Saturday.  We had a really great morning.  A took S and Charlie to Starbucks.  Charlie has been getting a pup whip and loves going for a ride– haha!  W stayed home, but played quietly.  We ate breakfast together, asked each other trivia questions (for some reason I receive trivia questions via email and the boys love guessing the answer), and chatted at the table.  There was nothing extraordinary, but it was peaceful and made for a joyful morning. 

We had our annual photos scheduled for the afternoon.  Cue major anxiety.  The forecast had called for rain all week, but when I checked that morning, the rain was supposed to hold off until 4.  Our photos were scheduled for 3.  We met at the forest preserve and after our family photos were taken, I realized that W’s hair was looking funny.  Ugh.  We tried to squeeze in a few more photos and it down poured around 3:30.  Every freaking year, it rains when I schedule photos.  I’m convinced that we could be in the longest drought and it would still rain on picture day.  I love our photographer and she usually surprises me with a great family photo -  I’m really hoping that’s the case.

I had bribed the boys with a small toy car of their choosing if they cooperated during photos so we headed to Target.  Somehow they convinced me to buy some car set that they would share.  Another momfail.  In my defense, they did work on setting it up and putting all the stickers on together.

After that, since we were all looking nice, we headed to church for Saturday mass.  The boys were so well behaved.  A had given them a little pep talk before mass and I think it really helped.  Usually Saturday mass is tough because the boys are tired and hungry so this was miraculous.  And I and even got to stand for a special blessing since our anniversary is in October. šŸ˜Š  

Sunday, we got to sleep in and it was blissful (and by sleep in, I mean sleep until 6:15).  The boys and I took Charlie to the new dog park just down the street and we all had fun.  Charlie loved running around with the other pups and he was worn out by the time we left.

 Our dearest friends came over in the afternoon to watch a little football and eat pizza.  All 5 of the kids played so well together and it was the most football we’ve watched all season.  It was great to catch up with them.  And that was our weekend.

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