Monday, February 24, 2014

Weekend Recap

We didn’t have many plans for this weekend and it seems like we were busy all weekend.  How does that happen?

On Saturday we ran errands and decided to go out for lunch.  W was SO well behaved.  He sat next to me and had fun checking out the other people in the restaurant.  He ate lots of chicken and French fries (his favorite).  He even reached onto my plate and stole my fries. J  He was perfect.  I have so much fun hanging out with that little man.

Sunday was our usual church/Starbucks routine.  W slept while I held him at Starbucks.  Watching him sleep in my arms is the sweetest thing ever.  He may be a toddler, but he’s still my baby (sorry this post is turning so mushy).  Then A and I went to check out a potential preschool for W.  I know it’s early, but this preschool has a program that starts at 20 months.  And it’s never too early to begin thinking about education, right?  I think W also needs to interact with other kids.  A and I both liked the school.  The only thing I didn’t like was the 3-4 year old preschool classes are only 3 hours per day.  I thought it would be longer?  It was adorable to see all the little chairs, little sink, sand table, blocks, costumes, etc.  My aunt watched W while A and I checked out the preschool and A and I were even able to squeeze in lunch.  Our first lunch date (with just the two of us) since October!

It was a really great weekend.

Tomorrow A has his CF clinic appointment.  W and I are going with to keep him company.  Praying the appointment goes well.  The last visit all 3 of us attended was not a good one.  Health-wise, it was good, but I think A and I gained a reputation.  I complained about the survey the clinic sent out and A was frustrated at always having to answer the same questions (his answers never change) and possible changes to his medications.  I think A now has an asterisk in his file and a notation as a problem patient.  ;)  Just kidding.

I want to note all the words W knows before I forget.  He doesn’t say them, but if you ask him to find said item, he will.  Here goes: books, hat, shoes, doggie (toy), Pete the Cat (story book), Addie, blanket, jump, and butterfly.  I think he also knows his turtle, piano, and school bus toys.  I tell him to sit in his chair and he does.  I can tell him to throw something in the garbage and he will.  He amazes me.  Clearly I’ve turned into one of THOSE moms.  I’ll stop now. J

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