Monday, March 18, 2019

Weekend Recap

Holy busy weekend!  My house is usually a disaster, but given the minimal amount of time we’ve been home lately, it’s just one giant mess.  Ugh.  Maybe next weekend, I’ll have time to clean.  Maybe.

Our weekend was full of (kid) parties!  The party scene started on Friday.  A and I volunteered to help with the St. Patrick’s day party at W’s school.  My gosh, kindergarteners have A LOT of energy.  I have no idea how W’s teacher does it every day!  I led the “pin the hat on Larry the Leprechaun” game while A led the ring toss game.  The kids wear name tags and every time I addressed one of them by their name, they were shocked that I already knew their name.  So funny.  W has always been a quiet kid in social settings.  I think he does act a little mature for his age, polite, and he’s definitely an introvert.  A and I have joked that he’s like an old man trapped in a 6 year old’s body.  He’ll be yelling, “get off my lawn!” soon enough.  As we left, A remarked that W really wasn’t like the other kids.  There’s just something special about our W and I’m so curious and excited to see where life takes him.

While A and I were partying with the kindergarteners, S and Nani made a leprechaun trap!  It turned out really cute and both boys loved it.  It has since moved and how has a permanent spot among the other houses in the “neighborhood” they built.

Eventually, we headed to my mom’s house for pizza.  W had previously asked if we could get the game, Uno Attack.  The boys already love Uno and games have been big in our house lately (given the 596 days of winter we’ve experienced).  A picked up the game while he was at the store so we ended up bringing it with.  We all had so much fun playing and I was dying of laughter as the game spit out cards at everyone!  I think we’ve already played about 10 times.  Highly recommend!

Saturday started at 5am when S woke us up yelling, “I NEED to go potty!!!!”.  I assumed he would be super cranky all day, but W was actually the one in  a foul mood.  The boys went to their swim lesson and got hair cuts and then we headed to a birthday party for our God daughter and her sisters.  It was a Fancy Nancy themed party and my boys were stylin!  We had lots of fun, but eventually needed to get cranky W home.  By 7:30, the boys were in bed and A and I got to watch an episode of This is Us.

Sunday was our usual routine and then it was time for yet another party!  W was invited to a classmate’s pool party.  He asked if I’d stay and I was glad I was there to help him find the locker room and get ready for the pool.  BUT I was freaking bored.  I don’t know any of the other parents and they all seemed to know someone.  I had brought a book, but it was Michelle Obama’s book and I was a little nervous about being judged for my choice of reading material.  Normally, I wouldn’t care what others thought, but I’m still trying to figure out my place at W’s school and didn’t want to spark any controversy.  By the time the party was over, I was just tired of waiting and maybe a bit tired of kids if I’m being honest… this mom craves quiet time.

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