Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Tuesday Thoughts

I know, usually I do Friday thoughts, but there’s no telling what Friday will bring so here goes…

Last Friday I met up with some old coworkers for lunch.  I miss them so much and every time I see them I’m reminded of what work SHOULD be like.  It was so good to catch up with them!

Speaking of work, for the first time in my life I turned down a job offer.  You're probably thinking, "haven't you been looking for a new job??".  And the answer is YES.  Over the summer, I interviewed for this job.  They wanted someone with specific experiences that I didn't have.  I understood and it was fine.  The company unexpectedly emailed me a couple weeks ago asking if I was still looking.  I had nothing to lose so I met with the hiring manager again.  I really like him and the job was right.  But when the offer came in, it was for the exact same compensation, but less vacation, no work from home, no flexibility.  It was a tough choice, but my kids won't be little for very long and I value the time I have with them.  I also talked to a former coworker who works at this company now and he basically told me he works really long hours and there is no work/life balance - it has greatly affected his family relationships.  It was a really tough decision, but I'm hopeful that the right job for me is out there.

There was a time when I dreaded conferences.  Both boys have always done great in school and I realize I was being overly sensitive, but we were always given something to work on.  It felt like criticism and made me concerned they were behind in school.  Again, mostly my own insecurity.  But this year, conferences made me feel like we’re doing everything right!!  W didn’t need a spring conference because his teacher had no concerns.  S’s conferences are mandatory and we were told he’s friendly, creative, and linguistic.  He loves books and recognizes all the kids names in his class.  His teacher thanked us for sharing him with her.  Proud of our boys (and learning to not take advice so critically!).

A and I are going on a date and I’m super excited!  We’re going to an upscale restaurant (that we happen to have a gift card for) and I can’t wait to stuff my face with steak! J

I’ve been doing some “spring cleaning” and I feel like I’m only making my house messier.  Instead of crap stuffed in closets, I now have crap stuffed in boxes… in my hallway. :\

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