Friday, August 30, 2019

Friday Thoughts

Whew… it’s been a week!  For the most part, the boys have been waking up and getting off to school without issue.  But, by the time they get home, it’s meltdown city.  Last night, W cried because Charlie was in the room, because he missed his baby teeth and they were gone forever, because he didn’t pay attention to the book I was reading and missed the story (since he was crying), and the list goes on.  By the time bed time rolls around, the boys are overtired and losing their minds.

On top of the crankiness, A and I both had really busy weeks.  A had Open House at his school on Monday night.  I had a work dinner Tuesday followed by a School Board Meeting on Wednesday night.  Suffices to say, we’re all looking forward to a long weekend.

I’ve mentioned it before, but S lately is either as sweet as can be or wreaking havoc.  Either way, he keeps me laughing.  Lately, he’s been telling us he’s “frizzering” – a combination of freezing and shivering (clever!).  The other night I was tucking him in and gave him a hug and a kiss.  He told me I give way better hugs than W.  The other day, A was explaining the premise of the Wizard of Oz – which the boys have never seen or even heard of.  A explained that a tornado lifts up the house.  S responded, “Well, good Lord!” (in what I swear was a southern accent).  Haha!

I forgot to mention that A had CF clinic a couple weeks ago.  We were disappointed to learn that his FEV1 % dropped.  It wasn’t a significant drop, but after the hospital admission and IV antibiotics, we were both really hoping for better results.  After A’s last admission, his lung function improved by 10% so to see a drop this time around was really really disappointing.  Hoping cooler weather and a bit more time will help his FEV1 results move upwards.  He returns to CF clinic in a month – think positive thoughts for us!

We don’t have too much planned for the weekend, but we will definitely continue to work on potty training Charlie and preventing him from chewing all the things.  Aside from these two challenges, he been great and I really enjoy having him in our family. 😊

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