Monday, October 5, 2015

Weekend Recap

We had so much fun this weekend.  Saturday was our typical day of running errands.  We finally opened a savings account for S.  While at the bank, W was given a new green piggy bank, a toy car, some crayons, paper to color on, a bottle of water, and a lollipop.  Pretty sure he’s going to want to go to the bank every weekend.  We’d been meaning to open an account for S for months so I’m happy we can cross that off of the to do list.

Sunday, we went to church and Starbucks.  We decided to skip our usual football watching and instead headed to the world’s largest corn maze (or so they say…) with the boys and rest of the family.  W needed a nap and I hoped he would snooze in the car on the way to the maze.  No such luck.  We walked the maze for nearly two hours and the boys did great all things considered.  W alternated between walking and riding in the wagon.  S alternated between riding in the wagon and carrier.  W had a couple cranky moments, but was really great for the most part.  He was so tired by the end of the maze, he fell asleep in Nani’s arms.  S was perfectly content.  Side note - while in the wagon, his cheeks jiggled as he went over a bump... haha!  And I’m proud to say that we hit all the maze check points.  Last year remains the only time we didn’t finish the maze.  After finding our way out of the corn, we enjoyed donuts and then headed to our favorite pizza restaurant with the family.  Such a fun day!!  I so love fall!!  I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves…

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