Wednesday, August 22, 2018


W is in kindergarten!  I still can’t believe it.  I know he’s ready academically.  The kid was actually asking to do math worksheets over the summer?!?  He’s so close to reading.  And despite all the parent meetings, rules, required volunteer hours, and days with no buses, I really love his school and think it will be the best fit for him.  And I know meetings and volunteer hours are a good thing – I really do, but gosh, they’re tough on working parents.  W’s new school has a STEM curriculum starting in kindergarten – my nerd heart is loving it.  He’ll be able to take Spanish classes starting in fourth grade (I wish it was sooner, but I started in 7th grade so this is a step up).  His class size is small, but not too small - 17 children.  And I’m just so excited for him to learn ALL THE THINGS.

But I have to admit, I’m also sad.  Sad that he’s growing up so quickly.  Sad that I don’t yet know any of the teachers or fellow parents - I can’t just check in like I used to at preschool.  I’m worried for his shy, sensitive heart and devastated that he’ll have to practice lockdown drills.  I’m concerned he’ll fall behind and worried that he won’t know who to sit with at lunch.  I’m sad for the world we live in.  I’m sad I can’t protect him.  I'm sad that I have to let go and allow him to grow.  And it breaks my heart a little.  

Yesterday was ok.  It was technically W's first day, but parents were required to attend a meeting with the principal so we were on campus at the same time as the kindergartners.  Today, I had to drop him off and drive away.  I couldn’t even walk him into school.  I had to let an aide help him out of the car and into the school (this is a good thing for safety reasons and efficiency).  Cue all the tears as I watched him walk away without me, never looking back.

A big step for all of us.  My sweet boy is growing up.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Such a huge step! It is hard on a mama's heart for sure. Unfortunately, the letting go (for the parents) doesn't seem to get any easier for first grade either!
