Thursday, August 23, 2018


S started preschool on Wednesday!  This is his second year of preschool and he’s at the same school and even in the same classroom he was in last year (though a different class).  This boy rocked preschool last year so I have no concerns about this year.  On Monday, we had ‘Meet the Teacher’ night at W’s school.  S cried the entire time because he wanted to go to HIS school.  On Wednesday, he had a half day (which didn’t really make sense to me because he only attends for 3 hours, but whatever).  He was mad that he had to wait until 10am to go to school when W got to go earlier.  He loves school and I hope that never changes (though I’m sure it will).  We’re considering a different all day preschool next year because he seems so ready, but I can’t even think about the logistics of that right now.  This year is complicated enough.  S still loves books, loves to be outside, and is socially mature for his age (I mean aside from crying because he can’t go to school) – he communicates incredibly well and seems to play well with other kids.  I have no doubt he’s going to have a blast this school year!

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