Monday, July 29, 2019

Weekend Recap

Good news and bad news…  Bad news first.  A ended up having an adverse reaction to the antibiotics he was on.  As he got further along with doses, he experienced intense itching and a rash.  He called his CF doctor who told him he could stop all antibiotic meds – at this point, he had already been on meds for 10 days.  I know A was so ready to be done with the antibiotics and the picc line.  Good news: the picc line was removed on Friday, 3 days ahead of schedule and A was so relieved.  I was elated too!!  A has experienced some occasional discomfort in his left side (opposite where the picc line was) and his nurse thought it may be related to the antibiotics so hopefully that goes away completely.

In other news, W had his final baseball game on Saturday (and it was A’s last game coaching).  I’m not sure W was super into it and I suspect that team sports may not be his thing.  All in all, it was lots of fun watching him and I’m proud of him.  S also had a game and did great.  Maybe A can be S’s coach next year… 😊

The rest of the weekend was spent cleaning the house and packing for our annual Maryland trip.  S has been a bit challenging lately (to say the least) and emptied out one of the suitcases I’d packed.  Ugh.  Some days it seems this boy is either a little monster or he’s as sweet as can be – it changes throughout the day with no in between.  This is four.  On Saturday, he asked me to marry him and brought me fake flowers to hold.  On Sunday, we had a dance party together.  He’s all heart and his emotions are big.  Thankfully, the sweet moments make up for the difficult and the sweet are what I’ll try my hardest to remember. 😊

We leave for Maryland tomorrow.  I’m nervous about being away since A was recently admitted and just finished his antibiotics.  We have lots of fun things planned, but I’m nervous.   Think good thoughts for us!

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