Tuesday, January 21, 2014

13 Months of Baby (or should I say toddler??) W

W turned 13 months yesterday.  Didn’t he JUST turn 1?!?!  He’s been SO much fun lately and I’m amazed at how much he understands.  He’s added a couple more words to his vocabulary.  He now says up (bup) when he wants to be picked up.  He has also started saying up while he’s crawling up the stairs, which amazes me.  He seems to understand that up is a direction and not just what you say when you want to be held.  He’s started saying da a lot more to A.  If you ask him what a cat says, he’ll make the cutest meow sound.  When I say yuck, he sticks out his tongue and makes the raspberry noise.  He does the same when he walks passed the garbage can.  Occasionally, he’ll say baa for sheep and neigh for horse, but often says moo instead.  I think he recognizes that they are animals, but doesn’t always get the noise right. J  The other day I asked him where his socks were and he looked at his feet.  May have been a coincidence, but I doubt it.  At church, I asked him where the lights were and he pointed up at the lights.  Again, may have been coincidental, but I doubt it.  He seems to have made up his own song.  It goes like this:  Ma Ma Uhh  Ma Ma Uhh.  It even has a tune and we’ve caught him “singing” it quite a few times.  I think he understands what more means.  When I ask if he wants more, he’ll shake his head no, which actually means yes. J  (I tried to introduce sign language months ago, but admittedly I have not been consistent at all.  I’m definitely going to work on this so he can sign “more”).  He also has a toy treasure chest with coins.  The chest has a slot (similar to a piggy bank) and he’s able to push the coins through the slot.  He's always had excellent hand/eye coordination and his fine motor skills are very impressive (to me).  A is preparing for W's future career as a pitcher (or maybe a 3rd baseman since it appears that he’s right handed), while I'm extremely excited for tennis lessons.

W is constantly making us laugh and he brings us so much joy.  He’s made a lot of progress lately with eating table foods.  We’ve also introduced cow’s milk and have begun weaning off formula.
I'm excited for the months ahead, but also sad at how fast life is passing by (as always).

On a completely unrelated note, apparently polar vortex part 2 is coming (or is it already here?) and I am so over winter.  I usually don’t mind the cold and I think snow is beautiful, but this winter has been brutal.  So cold and so much snow.  The worst I can remember and it’s only January.  Eek!

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