Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy First Birthday!!

Friday, 12/20 was W’s first birthday!  I’m a little sad that my baby is growing up so fast.  I think back to the early days when we weren’t getting much sleep.  I distinctly remember one night when I got up to nurse W.  A would often join me as I nursed.  He’d help with diaper changes, play Family Feud on the IPad to entertain me, and offer moral support while I was trying to get the hang of nursing.  This particular night, sleep deprivation got the best of A.  He started talking to himself and then nearly fell over.  J  Thinking about that night still makes me smile.  I miss those days when W was teeny tiny and I could hold and snuggle him all day.  But then again, I do enjoy sleeping.  I’m proud at how well A and I adjusted to parenthood and I’m excited to watch W continue to grow and learn.
We’ll have a birthday party in January for extended family.  I thought it was just too much to plan a birthday party so close to Christmas.  But we wanted to make W’s day special nonetheless.  So A and I decided to invite my mom and A’s parents over for pizza and cupcakes.  It was a perfect little celebration.  W wasn’t interested in his cake, but he enjoyed his presents.


I had taken the day off work so W and I could spend his birthday together.  Earlier in the day, I decided to take W to the Early Learning Center at the local library.  We had a blast exploring the different areas.  There was a car section, a train section, a padded play area, a coloring station, and tons of books.  So much fun!  W really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to go back!

Surprisingly, I didn’t get emotional… until it was bed time.  A true feat.  If you know me, you know how sentimental I am.  As I tucked W in for the night, I told him I was so thankful for him and didn’t know how the year could be topped.  That’s when I got teary.  I love my 1 year old.

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