Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday Thoughts

Happy Fri-YAY!!

I'm excited for our usual Friday night pizza and live PD!  Big plans tonight obviously.

I've read over my last post quite a few times and debated deleting it.  Perhaps I was being too dramatic, emotional, etc.  I was definitely frustrated when I wrote it.  But here's the thing... I started this blog for myself.  To capture memories with my kids, my thoughts, and life moments (big and small).  I've always kept it real.  So I'll keep that post and keep dealin'. :)

Is anyone else totally freaked about the flu epidemic??  I keep hearing news stories of people dying and I never want to leave the house.  We've always gotten flu shots for the kids.  I realize this is a highly controversial topic and everyone is capable of making their own decisions.  With a husband who has CF and teaches (hello, germs!) and two kiddos in preschool, we are definitely pro flu shot.  Anyway, the kids haven't gotten one this year.  We didn't do that on purpose, we just hadn't been to the pediatrician and I hate going when the boys aren't sick.  Flu shots are on our to do list for this weekend.  Nevertheless, I'm totally freaking out that the boys or A will still come down with the flu.

I'm still kicking butt on the treadmill.  I don't think I've lost any weight, but I feel so much better, which is all that matters.  I've noticed that exercising just a little has really helped with my anxiety.

I've been super stressed about finding someone to watch S next year.  I think we found someone and I'm really hoping it all works out.  Fingers crossed!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Our kids got the flu a few days before Christmas in spite of being vaccinated. I don't think the vaccine was in vain as who knows if it helped minimize the impact (Elden tested positive for influenza A and the others fell not long after) and I will do it in the future too! If you suspect they have the flu I recommend getting them tested right away because they prescribed an antiviral and it made a HUGE difference in Elden (who had it the worst).
