Monday, September 23, 2013

I have a case of the Mondays...

I blinked and the weekend was over.  How did that happen??

Baby W had his 9 month check up on Saturday.  He was wonderful.  He was way overdue for his nap and I expected the worst, but he didn’t even cry after getting a shot.  He currently weighs 20 pounds 8 ounces (50th percentile) and is 28 inches tall (60th percentile).  We’re working on introducing table foods and so far, he is not a fan.  He seems to be very sensitive to new textures.  The pediatrician didn’t seem concerned and told us to keep working on it.  On the bright side, he eats every type of puree imaginable.

The remainder of Saturday and Sunday were filled with a haircut (for me), errands, church, breakfast, a get together with a friend, cleaning, and watching the Bears….

And then it was Monday.  I woke up with a headache and I’m just really blah today.  I feel so overwhelmed and I think I need a break.  Germany was wonderful and amazing and I’m so grateful I had to the opportunity to go… but, I worked 11 hour days while there.  I didn’t sleep at all on the plane heading to Germany and with the time change, I had to be in the German office 3 hours after landing.  Throw in a 45 minute drive to the hotel from the airport, a few minutes needed for freshening up, a 15 minute drive from the hotel to the office, and I got a total of 1 hour sleep before arriving to the office and giving a 2 hour presentation.  Then, I came home on a Saturday, which means an entire weekend day was spent traveling.  That coupled with jam packed weekends has left me exhausted.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my life and I’m so so thankful for every opportunity and all the time spent with friends and family, but I’d so love to watch a few minutes of some crap show or start a new book or sleep in (gasp!) or take a trip to the mall… I’m thinking I’ll use a vacation day in the near future.  I just need a day where I don’t have to do something specific or be somewhere.  Is it Friday yet??

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