Thursday, November 21, 2013

Oh What a Night

Wowzer, yesterday was frustrating.  A and I were both exhausted since W woke up 3 times the previous night.  He seemed to wake every couple hours because he was congested and couldn’t breathe.  Really stinks since I thought his sleep was FINALLY back to normal.  Now it just seems like those wonderful 9+ hour stretches of sleep were a tease.  We have a humidifier in his room and put a blanket under his mattress so he sleeps on an incline, but it doesn't seem to be helping.  He hasn’t been himself in the evenings.  A and I gave the little man a bath early yesterday evening.  I had hoped the warm water would sooth him and clear his congested nose.  That may have worked had he actually SAT in the tub!!  He was determined to stand and hop out.  Sigh.  Then, I attempted to clear his nose with one of those snot sucker things.  He sure does hate those things.  Whining, wiggling, and crying ensued.  Then, we attempted feeding him baby food.  Actually, first, I tried to give him turkey, which he threw on the floor.  I’m convinced I could give him anything – ice cream, cake, a doughnut, and he’d throw it on the floor just to be stubborn.  It doesn’t matter whether he likes it or not, it’s going on the floor.  The dog is very happy.  Anyway, I tried to give him baby food, which he normally loves, but he’d smack the spoon sending puree flying everywhere.  Talk about frustrating.  I would tell W “no” and say, “do NOT hit the spoon” and then he’d get mad at me and cry.  I really wanted him to eat – he needed to eat.  He should’ve been hungry.  Also, we don’t typically give him a bath before solids for obvious reasons, but that’s the way it worked out yesterday.  We finally managed to get him to eat half of a pouch.  I then decided to hop in the shower.  I told A to bring W into the bathroom so the steam could help clear his nose.  Not sure if it helped, but we tried.  After that, it was final bottle and bed time.  I think it was a little after 8 pm at this point?  He usually has a final bottle at 7:30, but had  taken a long nap so his schedule was a little off.  No big deal.  He would NOT take a bottle.  A tried several times.  I tried several times.  W was incredibly stubborn.  He’d shake his head, wiggle, and smack the bottle.  Finally, I gave up and set him on the floor.  He gave me the biggest, most mischievous smile as if to say “I win”.  Again, I’m convinced he was just being stubborn.  We waited awhile.  Finally, around 9 pm (waaaay past his bed time), A was able to get baby W to take his bottle.  What a night.  Shortly after W went to bed, I went to bed.   I hate nights like that.  I never got any down time and I’m not sure what the deal is with this stubbornness.  The crying and feisty behavior makes me feel like a bad mom (though I realize I better get used to this… ahem terrible twos and threes…).  I hope tonight is better!

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